When she was still just a small girl Xena's army pillaged her village. And amid the chaos, a fire broke out and consumed Callisto's family. Callisto not only lost her family, but her sanity and compassion. She vowed revenge, and dedicated her life to learning Xena's tactics and weaknesses to someday kill everything dear in her life.

She's brought back to life by Hera to kill Hercules. Hercules takes her somewhere where they find Golden Apples. She eats one and becomes immortal. Hercules then traps her there until Xena gets her out because she needs her help to defeat Velasca. Callisto gets Ambrosia from Velasca making her a goddess. She then gets a trapped a whole boat load of times again in lava and under rocks. Hope recruits her as a servant by helping her get revenge on Xena, then promising to fix her life, then give her oblivion because living forever with herself is too much.
Xena finally kills her with the Hinds Blood Dagger sending her to Hell instead of oblivion like she wanted. There, afte rmuch turture Mephistopheles sends her back to Earth as a super powered ghost to corrupt Xena and bring her away from the way of the warrior to corrupt her spirit and bring her to Hell. Callisto didn't succeed so she went back to Hell and became a demon to be tortured in a hideous form for entirenety.
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