Saturday 5 February 2011

10. Posion Ivy


The kind and caring Dr Pamela Isley was killed by her the her evil boss after putting her integrity before power and money. However she returned as Posion Ivy with venom lips, a love for mothe rnature and all her produce and kills her evil boss.

She quickly gets to work of getting rid of all humans who are ruing the planet to turn it back to its plant running gloy, by first of all setting up a new home.

She makes an eye catching introduction to the Batman and to her future partner.

She goes to make her new alliance by freeing he rnew partner from prison.


After killing her new partners wife to ensure she has him all for herself she tells him there plan.



She seduces Robin to get the plan in motion and even gets rid of the Batman on her own.


After a long and proud battle she meets her match with Batgirl who doesnt give into her good looks and they leave trapped in her own hybrid plant.


After being sent to prison, her previous partner after learning of the truth of his wife hunts down the murder.


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